donderdag 16 januari 2014

Pan Pastel creations with Magenta.....

(Voor de Nederlandse vertaling zie het eerder geplaatste bericht hier:)

Hi there,

At first I want to wish everybody a wonderful, healthy and creative 2014!

I've made two Pan Pastel creations with a lovely flower stamp from Magenta and some cover a cards from Impression Obsession. I've used a structured canvas paper with a rough and less rough side. I am happy that the velvet paper is back in the collection but this canvas paper is also great to work on.
On the background I've used partially cover a card French script. The flower is also embossed with Wow silver pearl. You can see the effect in the close-up pic.
For the two rectangles I've used the rough side of the paper and I've used the other side for the background.

You can see the structure of the paper through the embossing layers.

Pan Pastels card 1:

Ultramarine blue tint 520.8/Blue shade 520.3/extra dark 520.1
Violet tint 470.8
Magenta tint 430.8
IO cover a card French script
Magenta flower trio

WOW embossingpoeder Silver pearl 

And the 2nd card with different colours and more cover a card backgrounds, Grunge and Spatter. The flowers are stamped with Hero arts inks with different shades of grey and black. I've used the less rough side for the rectangles and for the background I've used the 'velvet' paper. This is such a great surface to work on........

Pan Pastels:

Phtalo green tint 620.8/620.5/620.3
Violet tint 470.8/470.5/470.3

Heroarts midtones Charcoal/Soft Granite
Versafine black

IO cover a cards: 
Grunge/French script/Spatter
Magenta flower trio
Magenta quote

Well. I hope to inspire you a lot more this coming year and just take out your Pan Pastels and have a play! You don't have to want a perfect result right a way........just by experimenting and doing you will find your own way......just explore.....
If you like a special technique of style, just let me know......

till next time and thanks for your visit,
always a joy to read your comments

19 opmerkingen:

  1. These are such gorgeous cards as always Miranda. I love the way you have used the Pan Pastels. The shadow stamping is very effective in the paler colours. I always love the use of script. I find myself wondering if you stamped first, then shaded with the Pans or shaded then stamped, or maybe a little of each? Really lovely work. Elaine x

    1. Hi Elaine, I did a bit of each......., thanks for your lovely comment! Hope you are OK and enjoying your creating time! xx Miranda

  2. Hello Miranda
    I will have to study this technique closely to achieve anything like your work!
    Beautiful as always Miranda!
    Love Marg

  3. It's the first one that fascinates me - the way you even lined up the script of the smaller panels against the script of the background; also how the right hand panel has some script but also a large expanse of open space to balance the seed head. Lovely texture there too especially with the embossing & then the extra stamping. I found myself wondering whether you stamped the grey seed heads first with the script & then did the white embossed seed heads or the other way about. I can never seem to get the inks sufficiently dry so I end up with embossing powder sticking to the earlier stamping as well!!
    Paula (PEP)

    1. Hi Paula, I know what you mean with sticking emb.powder! I've embossed first and overstamped than and added Pan Pastel. But I am sure when you want to do it the other way around it must be possible with fixating your Pan Pastel layer first. With a pastel fixative or also possible is Liquitex matte medium. Just sponge a little layer on it and let it dry. Than apply the embossing layer.......most of the time I don't have the patience to do that! xMiranda

  4. Prachtige kaarten Miranda, leuk om jou en je moeder vandaag weer even gesproken te hebben

    Liefs Henriëtte

    1. Hoi Jet, vond het ook gezellig om jou te zien, was weer lang geleden he? xMiranda

  5. Two gorgeous creations Miranda which such wonderful colour combinations and creative stamping. You use PP so well. Beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend, Shirleyx ps.. nice spotlight at the Paper Crafters :) xx

  6. I follow you on Chocolate B and always love your work. Then I came across Rynn's stamp company (I live 100 KM from her it turns out) by way of the article you were in on Paper Craft newsletter. When I clicked on Design Team at Rynn's store, I was able to find you here. Now I have you bookmarked. I love all of your work. I hope to learn a lot from you.

    1. Thanks Beth and hope to inspire you more in 2014! If you have any questions, feel free to ask......greetz Miranda

  7. Stunning! So dreamy and pretty, love the soft blending of colours and the raised flower pieces, just wonderful! Xx

  8. Wauw, deze zijn adembenemend mooi Miranda! Een lust voor het oog! Prachtige stempels!!! Ook een zeer mooie tekst!! Groetjes, Linda

  9. beautiful work, miranda! your coloring is so subtle and creates such ethereal shadows! brava!

  10. Huge Fan of Pan Pastels but very new to them, enjoying experimenting a lot. You were an inspiration for me to collect more colours as i saw your card creations and fell in love with them!

    Thanks you for sharing the colours you have used and the techniques too. STUNNING cards :-) xxx

  11. Een prachtige serie en hele mooie kleuren,groetjes en nog een fijn weekend

  12. Gorgeous, Miranda!! Of course you are going to frame it, right? It is just so pretty and thank you for showing the layers and how you did it too!


Thank you for your visit on my blog! Hope to have inspired you! Till next time, Miranda

Bedankt voor je bezoek aan mijn blog! Hoop dat ik je geïnspireerd heb!
Tot de volgende keer, Miranda

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While I dance I cannot judge,
I cannot hate, I cannot separate myself from life.
I can only be joyful and whole.
That is why I dance.”
~Hans Bos